Why the Jesuit School of Theology? 

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© 2018 Santa Clara University


The Jesuit School of Theology, located in Berkeley, California, is an international center for the study of theology,  offering classes on-campus and online.

Students from across the nation and around the world attend JST to prepare for a broad range of ministries in service to the Church and world. Our students are lay women and men, Jesuits in formation, and members of other religious orders of all ages.

You will have the opportunity to engage in ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, serve in local ministries and participate in international immersion experiences. 

JST offers graduate degrees, including: 
Master of Arts | Combined Master of Divinity and Master of Arts | Master of Theological Studies (On Campus & Online Tracks) | Master of Theology 

My favorite thing about being a student at JST is the diversity of experiences that are represented in the classroom. I have classmates who have served in a variety of ministries around the world. Bringing all of our experiences into the classroom enlivens discussions and deepens our learning.
- Lizzy Fahey, M.Div. '20
Santa Clara University Jesuit School of Theology logo

What Should I Expect?

My time at JST has moved my studies beyond the boundaries of the classroom, inviting me to enact my faith in the world. As a biblical scholar, I am called to consider how the scripture encourages social justice and calls us to act with and for those at the margins.
- Diego Salazar Galvis, T.h.M., S.T.L '20
Jesuit Identity
As a Jesuit school, rooted in the tradition of cura personalis, or care for the whole person, our holistic education engages students beyond the boundaries of the classroom. Our Jesuit identity encourages a deep consideration for how our faith leads us to work for social justice.

Jesuit Identity

Academic Rigor

Academic Excellence

Our distinguished faculty foster academic excellence by inspiring our students to explore the riches of the Catholic theological tradition and the complex ways in which faith finds a home in the many cultures of our global context.
Vibrant Location

Vibrant Location

JST is a part of the Graduate Theological Union and located two blocks from the University of California in Berkeley. The scholarly, artistic, and cultural diversity of the San Francisco Bay Area enriches our educational experience.
Culturally contextual theology

Culturally Contextual Theology

Pope Francis encourages a culture of encounter, which brings theology into dialogue with particular communities. In this exchange, we serve and learn from each other in a spirit of solidarity.

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